Our Content Provider West Sussex Record Office is seeking a full time, permanent Senior Conservator to lead the Conservation Unit at West Sussex Record Office. Here are the details:
Senior Conservator Salary: £32,910 - £35,745 per annum
Full time, 37 hours per week, with some Saturday working on a rota basis and occasional evening work in order to help out at special events.
Location: West Sussex Record Office, Chichester
Closing Date: Sunday 11th July 2021
Job specs: This is an exciting opportunity to play a key role in leading the Conservation Unit at West Sussex Record Office. As the Senior Conservator, you will be working with a wide range of materials including paper, parchment, photographs, books, maps and plans, prints and drawings and seals. The role includes monitoring the existing collections and building conditions, as well as assessing and treating incoming accessions. You will carry out vital conservation work on the collections and be responsible for providing training on document handling and preservation to staff and volunteers. You will also contribute to the delivery and development of the service by preparing documents for digitisation and exhibitions, managing projects, delivering talks and workshops and helping to run a volunteer programme. You will contribute to income generation by assisting with grant applications and carrying out work for external customers. The successful candidate will be self-motivated, well organised with good communication skills and an extensive knowledge of archival and conservation systems, processes and procedures. You will have a detailed organisational knowledge relating to the provision of a professional archive service and the expertise and confidence to deal with a range of public and internal customers and stakeholders. You will have a postgraduate qualification in archive conservation which is recognised by the Archives and Records Association (ARA) and/or the Institute of Conservation (ICON).
For further details and to apply online, please visit https://www.westsussex.gov.uk/jobs/search-for-a-job/ and search for job reference EIE00815.
For an informal discussion about this role, please contact Wendy Walker, County Archivist (wendy.walker@westsussex.gov.uk)